The Lyric Jungle
Belly Under
A Future Me
Avenue C'd
Belly Under
Better You Than Me
Brilliant Petty Crime
Built Like Switzerland
Come To Cleveland
Diamonds are Forever (and so are Grudges)
Dress Down
Due Course
Every Horse
False Start
Fool Girl Parade
From What is Good
The Fundy Bay Forecast
Heartland, Heartburn
I'll Take It...
I Might Have to....
Two-Toned Gallery
In With The Old
It's Not Yesterday
Just Four Times More
Make Do
Makeshift Grounds
Mind Done Run
Mouth the Words
Nothin' Too Special
Opaquer Place
Planet Placement
Rubber Souled Shoes
Science Can't Be Coy
Shamrock Days
Shenandoah Waltz
Slips My Mind
Something to Unleash
Squinting Optometrist
Stump House Thanks Song
Tell-tale Sign
There, There

Andrew Austin plays kick-ass piano to this song!

Written February 2002.

It's second nature now,
the third time around trying to be cured.
Second nature comes naturally.
I did double takes,
third time's a charm to be fourth rate.
I plead the fifth to what went on.
I stood too close,
hoping it would make us closer,
but that's a bad theory.
And I forgot the difference
between friend and foe (it's tough I know)--
flip a coin between friend or enemy.

But all those circumstances?
Fuck em all, just take my chances!

It ain't enough to sit and wonder.
It ain't enough to say I care.
No wonder I'm going belly under
from all the world's tear and wear.

Pins and needles got in my feet
(sat too long in my seat)--
at least I know i still got my senses.
But it makes it hard to hustle
with blood and bone inbetween muscle...
that's all I know about anatomy.
Blood and bone can look so gruesome on their own--
skin covers what we dont' wanna see.

But a heard beating on it's own,
won't beat long all alone!

It ain't enough to sit and wonder.
It ain't enough to say I care.
No wonder I'm going belly under
from all the world's tear and wear.

In Times Square,
I feel like i'm not even there.
(the ghost under the marquis).
The marquis' read the latest,the greatest,
the highest-paidest--
household names ain't what they cracked up to be.
From the sky,
they can't make out the words on the signs.
That's okay, the angels don't wanna know.

Heaven sent and heaven goes--
even they can't decide i suppose

It ain't enough to sit and wonder.
It ain't enough to say I care.
No wonder I'm going belly under
from all the world's tear and wear.
From all the world's tear and wear
from all the world's tear and wear

yeah yeah yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah yeah